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What are 'costers'

Small 'cataclismàtic' country

High up on the Montsant mountains, at over 1,000 meters of altitude, Priorat resembles a turbulent sea. Valleys and hills look like large static waves, sharp-angled stone blocks. Geological faults and creases and the slow, relentless flow of the rivers Siurana, Montsant and Cortiella have shaped a mesmerizingly abrupt landscape.

On these steep, brittle slate slopes, known as ‘costers’, Priorat grapevines have been traditionally grown.

Sharp hillsides, held here and there by small drywalls, under a bursting heaven. It is and enchanting scenery, shaped by country people, built to recollect a scarce but rich fruit from the mountain. Nowadays, the Priorat hills are synonymous with old vines and total identity. The symbol of this little region’s greatness.